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This Week in Olympia

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Week of January 13, 2020

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WEA’s annual lobby day is this Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Participants will meet legislators, and have the chance to hear from WEA President Larry Delaney and Vice President Janie White, Governor Jay Inslee and other elected officials throughout the day. RSVP on Facebook, or contact your local president or staff to learn more.

Check out our full legislative agenda

This Week in Olympia

The session opened on Monday. The Governor’s general fund and capital budgets had hearings, and he gave his state of the state address on Tuesday, which focused mostly on homelessness and climate issues.

Promoting equity and combating racism

On Wednesday, the Senate heard SB 5834, a bill that would inform parents about students’ rights to a free public education without regard to immigration status or religion. WEA testified in support of this bill.

SB 6066 / HB 2633 Would expand ethnic studies materials and resources for K – 6 grades. It had a hearing on Friday, and WEA testified in support.

Safety for students and staff

A hearing was held on Wednesday for HB 1888  which would limit the release of some personal information of government employees, including birthdates. WEA testified in support of this bill, but media outlets oppose the bill. We need to keep the pressure on. Send a message to your lawmakers to protect our privacy and pass HB 1888 early in the session.

HB 2184  Would require comprehensive sexual education with an affirmative consent curriculum. The House Education Committee heard the bill on Wednesday, and WEA supports this legislation.

Recruiting and retaining quality staff

SB 6067  Would eliminate Ed TPA requirements, and had a hearing on Friday. WEA supports this bill.

WEA Retired

SB 6165  WEA is opposed to the limited increase for Plan 1 retirees in this bill. After years of lost purchasing power, WEA believes all Plan 1 retirees deserve a full COLA. The Senate Ways and Means Committee heard the bill on Wednesday.  

Next Week in Olympia

Promoting equity and combating racism

The Senate Early Learning K-12 Committee will hold a public hearing this Wednesday on SB 6075  which increases the per pupil payment from the state for local effort assistance from $1,550 to $2,500. WEA supports this bill which will create a process to equalize local levies regardless of their property wealth.

Safety for students and staff

HB 1860 Addresses lead in drinking water in schools. WEA supports testing drinking water fixtures in schools.

SB 6077 / HB 2240  WEA President Larry Delaney will testify in public hearings in both the Senate and the House in favor of this bill which would limit the number of rounds in a high capacity magazine.

HB 2387  Would limit the exposure of public school students and school personnel to diesel emissions from school bus engines. WEA supports better air quality in schools.

On Wednesday, the Senate Ways and Means committee with hold a work session on the K-12 seismic retrofit program request.

Recruiting and retaining quality staff

HB 2012 / SB 5821  Would provide equitable bonuses to K-12 ESA staff who achieve national certification through their professional organizations. A public hearing in House Education committee will be held Monday afternoon.  WEA supports this bill and WEA members will be testifying.

HB 2382  Will have a public hearing on Tuesday. It would permit community and technical colleges to investigate providing housing for faculty and staff.

HB 2458  Will be heard in the House Education Committee on Monday afternoon. This bill would allow districts to offer optional benefits if they are not offered as part of the School Employee Benefit Board program. The bill would clearly state that districts have authority to continue VEBA plans and other benefits such as cancer care and financial protection plans through payroll deduction. WEA has worked with a coalition of school administrators and insurance carriers in support of this bill.

SB 6138 would provide additional support for teachers and mentors of color as part of the BEST program

On Thursday, the Senate Ways and Means Committee is expected to hear three SEBB bills that WEA will oppose: SB 6189, SB 6290, and SB 6296.  These bills make various changes to the program that would result in loss of benefits for substitutes, coaches and others with intermittent schedules; higher costs for retirees and those who are in job shares; and prohibit dual enrollment between SEBB and PEBB programs.

Improving learning conditions

The Senate Early Learning K-12 committee will hold a public hearing on Lobby Day for SB 6132 which would expand the Learning Assistance Program (LAP) to student behavioral health through a school-wide system of supports. 

OSPI request legislation, SB 6117, would provide funds for special education programs. It has a public hearing Wednesday in Senate Early Learning K-12 committee. This bill falls short of the $300 million funding gap that exists in special education. WEA supports fully funding special education. 

HB 2654  Has a hearing on Tuesday. It would make costs of higher education more transparent.

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